
31 Mind-Blowing Facts About Coffee That Will Make You Love It Even More

You’re staring into your empty coffee cup. Can the day begin without your next caffeine fix? It’s like that moment when you realize you’ve left the house without your keys – utter panic. Sound familiar?

Well, don’t worry, coffee lovers, we’ve got your back! There’s more to your beloved brew than meets the eye. From its history to its quirky uses, these 31 mind-blowing facts will make you fall even deeper in love with your favorite pick-me-up. So, top up your cup, and let’s dive in!

Coffee Was Discovered by Goats

Believe it or not, coffee’s energizing effects were first discovered by goats in Ethiopia! Legend has it that a goat herder named Kaldi noticed his flock bouncing around after nibbling on some strange red berries.

Intrigued, Kaldi gave it a try, and the rest is coffee history. Can you imagine being the person to discover coffee? Talk about an energy boost!

Coffee Beans Are Technically Seeds

That’s right – what we call “coffee beans” are actually the seeds of a fruit called a coffee cherry. So, the next time you’re drinking your morning brew, just remember you’re technically indulging in a fruit-based treat.

It’s a little bit like sneaking some berries into your breakfast, except way more delicious. And hey, who knew coffee could sound so healthy?

Coffee Was Once Banned

In the 16th century, coffee was banned in Mecca because it was believed to stimulate radical thinking (scandalous!). Italy and England soon followed with similar bans. Coffeehouses were seen as meeting points for rebels.

Imagine a life without your daily latte because it was considered too dangerous! Thankfully, the ban didn’t last, or we’d all be a bit more sluggish in the mornings.

Coffee Could Extend Your Lifespan

Good news for coffee lovers – several studies have shown that drinking coffee may actually help you live longer. Coffee’s antioxidants and nutrients may lower the risk of some diseases, like heart disease, Parkinson’s, and Type 2 diabetes.

Who would’ve thought your daily cup of joe was more than just a delicious habit? It’s basically your body’s secret superhero.

Coffee is the Second Most Traded Commodity

The world loves coffee almost as much as oil! That’s right, coffee is the second most traded commodity globally, just behind crude oil.

So, next time you sip your flat white, remember this. You’re part of an industry that powers not just your morning, but also the world’s economies.

The Most Expensive Coffee Costs Over £500 a Pound

Ever heard of Kopi Luwak? This coffee is made from beans that have been eaten and then passed by a civet cat. Yes, you read that right! After the beans pass through the cat’s digestive system, they are collected and cleaned (thankfully!). Then, they are brewed into one of the world’s most expensive coffees.

Would you shell out £500 for a cup? It’s one way to impress your coffee-loving friends, for sure!

Espresso Means “Pressed Out”

“Espresso” comes from an Italian word meaning “pressed out.” It refers to the process of forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans. It’s not just a strong brew; it’s a coffee engineering marvel.

Next time you sip an espresso, you can feel a little more cultured – after all, you’re drinking an Italian masterpiece.

Coffee Can Be Used as a DIY Cleaner

Ran out of your usual cleaning supplies? No problem! Coffee grounds are surprisingly effective as a natural cleaner. They can help scrub pots and pans, remove strong odors from your fridge, and even exfoliate your skin!

So, not only can coffee wake you up, but it can also keep your home and skin feeling fresh. Talk about a multitasker!

Decaf Coffee Still Has Caffeine

If you thought decaf coffee meant no caffeine at all, think again! Decaf coffee isn’t completely caffeine-free; it actually contains about 3% of the caffeine found in a regular cup.

So, if you’re trying to avoid caffeine but still crave a cup of coffee, just remember – decaf still packs a tiny punch!

Coffee Has Been to Space

That’s right – coffee has made its way into the final frontier! In 2015, astronauts on the ISS brewed espresso. They used a machine called the “ISSpresso.”

So, if you ever find yourself among the stars, rest assured, you won’t have to go without your caffeine fix. Even in space, coffee reigns supreme!

Coffee Shops Helped Spark the Enlightenment

In the 17th and 18th centuries, coffeehouses were the places to be. Philosophers, writers, and intellectuals gathered there to sip coffee and discuss ideas. These caffeine-fueled conversations played a significant role in the spread of Enlightenment thinking.

So, next time you’re sitting in your favorite café, remember that you’re part of a centuries-old tradition of sparking creativity over a cup of coffee!

Coffee Can Boost Your Workout

If you need some extra motivation to hit the gym, look no further than your coffee cup! Studies show that caffeine can boost physical performance. It increases adrenaline and helps burn fat for energy.

In other words, a pre-workout coffee might be just the thing you need to lift heavier, run faster, or just get out the door!

There’s a Coffee That Tastes Like Blueberries

Ever heard of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee? This particular coffee variety is known for its fruity, blueberry-like flavor. It’s a far cry from your standard cup of black coffee, and definitely worth trying if you’re in the mood for something different.

Who knew coffee could offer such a fruity surprise?

Brazil is the World’s Largest Coffee Producer

Brazil has held the title of the world’s largest coffee producer for over 150 years! They produce a staggering one-third of the world’s coffee supply.

So, whether you’re in London sipping an espresso or in Manchester enjoying a latte, those beans likely started in Brazil’s lush coffee farms.

The World’s Most Caffeinated Coffee Is Dangerous

There’s a coffee out there called “Death Wish Coffee” that claims to be the world’s strongest brew. With about 728 milligrams of caffeine per 12-ounce cup (three times more than a regular coffee!), it’s not for the faint of heart – or the faint of stomach.

While it might sound like the ultimate challenge for caffeine lovers, proceed with caution. Too much of a good thing can be, well… too much.

Coffee Can Make You Smarter

Okay, maybe not “smarter,” but coffee can certainly help improve brain function. Caffeine blocks adenosine, a neurotransmitter that makes you sleepy. This boosts the release of other chemicals, like dopamine and norepinephrine. They are linked to better mood, energy, and mental performance.

So next time you’re trying to power through a project, coffee might just give your brain the extra boost it needs.

There’s a Coffee That Costs More Than a Car

For coffee connoisseurs who really want to splash out, there’s “Black Ivory” coffee, which costs around £1,000 per kilogram. This ultra-rare coffee is made from beans that have been consumed and passed by elephants (yes, elephants!). The unique fermentation process gives the coffee a distinctive, smooth flavor.

Who knew that elephants had such a hand – er, trunk – in gourmet coffee?

Coffee Grounds Can Help Your Garden

Don’t toss those coffee grounds just yet! Used grounds can be a great addition to your garden, acting as a natural fertilizer. They’re rich in nitrogen and can help improve soil structure and drainage.

So, not only does coffee fuel you, but it can also help grow the flowers in your garden. It’s the circle of life – coffee edition!

The First Webcam Was Invented for Coffee

In the early ‘90s, researchers at Cambridge University developed the first webcam – and it wasn’t for Zoom meetings! They created it to monitor a coffee pot from their desks so they could see when a fresh brew was ready without leaving their seats.

Talk about priorities. Coffee: the original reason for tech innovation!

Coffee Can Help You Burn Fat

Coffee doesn’t just give you energy; it can also help you burn fat. Caffeine is one of the few natural substances proven to aid fat burning by increasing your metabolic rate.

So, if you’re sipping on coffee while thinking about working out, technically, you’re already halfway there. Right?

Coffee is Great for Your Liver

Coffee is good for your liver. Studies show that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of liver diseases, including cirrhosis. In fact, the more coffee you drink, the better it seems to be for your liver!

Just one more reason to pour yourself another cup!

Beethoven Was a Coffee Snob

The famous composer Beethoven was known to be quite particular about his coffee. He reportedly insisted on having exactly 60 coffee beans per cup, counting them out individually.

Looks like even creative geniuses have their coffee quirks!

Coffee Ice Cubes Are a Thing

Ever been annoyed by your iced coffee getting watered down? Enter coffee ice cubes! Simply freeze leftover coffee in an ice tray and use the cubes in your next iced brew. No more diluted coffee, just pure caffeine goodness.

It’s a little life hack that will take your iced coffee game to the next level!

Coffee Was Used as Currency

Back in 15th-century Turkey, coffee was so valuable that it was sometimes used as a form of currency. It was so ingrained in Turkish culture that, if a husband didn’t provide enough coffee for his wife, it was grounds for divorce! (pun intended)

Forget gold – coffee was the true treasure of the time!

Finland Loves Coffee the Most

Surprisingly, Finland tops the chart as the country with the highest coffee consumption in the world. On average, Finns drink about 12 kilograms of coffee per person each year – more than double the amount of coffee consumed by the average Brit!

Clearly, the cold winters call for a constant flow of hot coffee to keep warm!

Coffee Can Help You Live Longer (Again!)

We’ve said coffee can extend your lifespan. But, some studies suggest regular coffee drinkers are 10% less likely to die early than those who avoid it. It’s like a little fountain of youth in every cup.

So go ahead – pour another cup and keep those years ticking on!

Instant Coffee Has Been Around for Over 100 Years

Instant coffee seems a modern convenience. But, it was invented in 1901 by a Japanese-American chemist, Satori Kato. His powdered coffee invention paved the way for instant coffee’s worldwide popularity.

It’s quick, easy, and over a century old – instant gratification, coffee style!

Drinking Coffee Can Improve Your Mood

Feeling grumpy? Coffee to the rescue! Coffee’s caffeine boosts dopamine and serotonin. These brain chemicals lift your mood and make you happier.

It’s official – coffee is not just a drink, it’s an instant mood-lifter. Take that, rainy Mondays!

Coffee Decreases Your Risk of Stroke

It’s not just good for your brain and liver – coffee can also reduce your risk of stroke. Studies have shown that people who drink coffee regularly have a 20% lower risk of having a stroke compared to those who don’t.

So, if you needed another excuse to brew a cup, your heart will thank you for it!

There’s a Coffee That Can Survive Extreme Cold

A rare coffee plant, “Coffea Stenophylla,” thrives in the wild. It endures colder temperatures better than Arabica or Robusta. This find could transform coffee farming in cooler areas. It also helps secure coffee’s future amid rising global temperatures.

Who knew coffee could be so hardy? It’s basically the superhero of plants.

Coffee Can Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Studies have shown that coffee drinkers have up to a 65% lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia later in life. The antioxidants and other compounds in coffee are believed to protect brain function as you age.

Who knew your morning brew could help keep your brain sharp for years to come? Yet another reason to love coffee!


Whether it’s waking you up, fueling your workout, or even helping your garden grow, coffee is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Now that you’re armed with these mind-blowing facts, you’ll appreciate your next cup even more – and probably share a few of these gems with your friends, too!

What’s your favourite coffee fact? Drop a comment on our Facebook page, and let’s keep the coffee conversation brewing!

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